
How we work

A keynote speech is an effective way to inspire and engage your people. Langley Group keynotes are interactive and impactful, energising people and leaving them keen to learn more. We synthesise the science and theory so it is easily digestible and include practical and experiential activities to ensure people can immediately apply their learning in work and life.

The following information outlines our most popular categories, and gives you some suggested topic ideas for each.

Looking for a specific topic? Contact us to discuss further


Transformation and Change

Appreciative Approach to Organisational Change
The Power of Emotional Intelligence
Using Neuroscience to Support Change
Cultivating a Positive Mindset
Creating Positive Workplace Cultures
Managing your Unconscious Bias
Introduction to Transformational Leadership

Performance and Productivity

Driving Performance Through Positive Psychological Capital
Harnessing Strengths for Success
Leader as Coach
The Upside of Stress
Introduction to Transformational Leadership

Wellbeing and Resilience

The Power of Emotional Intelligence
Building Wellbeing Through Positive Psychological Capital
Creating Positive Workplace Cultures
Resilience through Uncertainty and Change
The Upside of Stress


Driving Engagement Through Positive Psychological Capital
Harnessing Strengths for Success
Creating Positive Workplace Cultures


Creating a Culture of Innovation
Sparking Innovation and Creativity


The Power of Emotional Intelligence
Creating Leaders for the Future
Leader as Coach
Neuroscience of Leadership
Leading a Positive Culture

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Book a Keynote

Speak to us about how we can make your next event, conference or training memorable and impactful.