Building Coaching Skills with Dr Robert Biswas-Diener

Virtual Classroom, November 2024

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Help people develop their skills, improve their performance, and enhance their wellbeing.

Building Coaching Skills is being offered by Positive Acorn in partnership with the Langley Group, bringing you a rare opportunity to learn the skills of coaching from the best in the business, Dr Robert Biswas-Diener.

In this highly experiential, 21-hour workshop, you will learn that coaching is a facilitated process in which the coach engages clients in self-directed learning and planning and holds them accountable for progress. Participants will be introduced to everything they need to develop basic coaching skills: key frameworks, core competencies, and points of professionalism. Each session will include demonstrations, discussions, and opportunities for practice and feedback.

Dr Robert Biswas-Diener is a wellbeing researcher, certified coach, and thought leader in positive psychology coaching. He places a premium on effective pedagogy and designs his courses to promote deep learning of information and long-term mastery of skills.

He is the author of Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching and the New York Times bestselling The Power of Negative Emotion.

Participants will be accredited by the International Coach Federation for 21 Core Competency credits to be used toward the requirements for certification, or in the case of certified coaches, 21 CCEUs (21 core competency hours) toward ongoing professional development.

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate the difference between coaching, counselling, and mentorship
  • List four principles of ethical decision making
  • Establish a two-part agenda with clients during each coaching session
  • List the two dimensions of coaching presence

This course applies to nearly everyone working in the helping professions and also to those in leadership roles. It is especially appropriate to coaches, consultants, managers, counsellors, and teachers.

This training programme is delivered via a Zoom virtual classroom.

Monday 11 November 9 am – 12:30pm: AEDT

Session 1: Introduction to coaching and to the coaching session

Here, we take a “model agnostic” view of coaching. Rather than getting bogged down in proprietary approaches, we examine common features of coaching that make it effective. We focus, especially, on the flow of the coaching session, setting sophisticated agendas, and techniques for accountability.

Tuesday 12 November 9 am – 12:30pm: AEDT

Session 2: Ethical decision making and coaching presence

Coaching is more than a collection of tools. It is a profession with an ethical obligation to promote wellbeing and protect against potential harm. Here, we examine coaching ethics as something other than a list of onerous rules; it is an approach to responsible decision making. We also look at two aspects of “presence” and how these facilitate an effective coaching relationship.

Monday 18 November 9 am – 12:30pm: AEDT

Session 3: Tools for increasing client insight and awareness

One definition of coaching is that it is the process of engaging clients in self-directed learning. Here, we focus on a number of distinct tools to promote reflection and facilitate personal insight. Among the most provocative aspects of this lesson are the techniques designed to side-step overcoming weaknesses, temptations, and bad habits.

Monday 25 November 9 am – 12:30pm: AEDT

Session 4: Techniques for creating solutions

Clients often arrive to sessions focusing on complaints. Here, we turn the tables by focusing on the positive outcomes the client wants rather than the negative ones they seek to avoid. This session is rich in specific skills and presents a counter-intuitive philosophy for problem solving.

Monday 2 December 9 am – 12:30pm: AEDT

Session 5: Identifying and developing strengths

People can have a complicated relationship with strengths. They often worry about arrogance, are unaware of personal strengths, de-value the strengths of others, and focus especially on weaknesses. Here, we present a number of culturally appropriate approaches to identifying and developing strengths in the coaching process.

Tuesday 3 December 9 am – 12:30pm: AEDT

Session 6: Introducing formal, in-session activities

Effective coaching mostly consists of asking powerful, thought-provoking questions. That said, there are a number of opportunities in the coaching relationship to use more formal and structured activities to promote insight and increase motivation. Here, we examine several of these.

AUD $2,500.00 + GST

Expert Facilitator

Dr Robert Biswas-Diener
Dr Robert Biswas-Diener
Robert is a leading authority on positive psychology coaching and widely recognised as a major pioneering voice in this field. He occupies a unique position in the world of positive psychology as he is both a published researcher and a practicing ICF certified coach.

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