

We love being able to write about new learning and the latest thinking in the areas about which we are passionate.

Positive psychology, emotional intelligence, the micro-biome – and lots, lots more. Unable to find what you are looking for? Get in touch and we will create it for you!

Why You Should Make Emotional Intelligence a Priority

Smart use of emotions can improve our capacity to work well with others, engage with our jobs, manage stress, handle conflict and make fast and effective decisions - essential skills in today’s fast-paced and increasingly disconnected world.

October 21st, 2019|Categories: Coaching, Emotional Intelligence|

The Benefits of Coaching in Leadership

Today’s business environment is competitive and constantly changing, and leaders need to consider this fast-paced change as they adapt their leadership style to suit the conditions. Creating a balanced working environment where people, productivity and profits thrive is a significant component of success and this is where coaching comes in.

July 15th, 2019|Categories: Coaching|




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