We love being able to write about new learning and the latest thinking in the areas about which we are passionate.
Positive psychology, emotional intelligence, the micro-biome – and lots, lots more. Unable to find what you are looking for? Get in touch and we will create it for you!
Why You Should Make Emotional Intelligence a Priority
Smart use of emotions can improve our capacity to work well with others, engage with our jobs, manage stress, handle conflict and make fast and effective decisions - essential skills in today’s fast-paced and increasingly disconnected world.
The Effects of Positive Leadership
Leaders who focus on bringing out the best in people and themselves can transform the way their organisation functions and achieve exceptional results. This article expands on research from Kim Cameron, shared at the World Congress of Positive Psychology in July.
The Neuroscience of Creating Lasting Habits
Sue delivered an engaging keynote titled "The Neuroscience of Creating Lasting Positive Habits" at the 2019 Happiness & it's Causes Conference in Sydney, Australia. Watch or read the full presentation here.
The Future is Human – Leaders and Future Orientation
As a species, we have an endless fascination with being able to predict the future. What will the future bring? What we do know is that the world is changing and some businesses are leading the way.
Appreciative Inquiry with David Cooperrider
During the recent Happiness and Its Causes event, Sue Langley was delighted to be invited to interview David Cooperrider, who is well known as the ‘founder’ of Appreciative Inquiry (AI).
Creating a Peak Performance Culture
In a peak performance culture people are at their best. When people are engaged and flourishing, performance increases. As Felicia Huppert's research indicates it is about 'feeling good and functioning well."
The Benefits of Coaching in Leadership
Today’s business environment is competitive and constantly changing, and leaders need to consider this fast-paced change as they adapt their leadership style to suit the conditions. Creating a balanced working environment where people, productivity and profits thrive is a significant component of success and this is where coaching comes in.
The Upside of Stress
With so many organisations currently discussing and looking to address stress and burnout, we have to consider if we might be exacerbating the situation by focusing on the negative aspects of stress.
The Future is Human® – EI as a core skill
Emotional intelligence, according to the World Economic Forum, is going to be one of the most useful leadership traits for 2020. As the world changes, our ability to handle ourselves and lead others becomes more and more valuable.
Michael Mosley and your Microbiome
Michael Mosley, one of the world’s leading authorities on health and wellbeing, a science journalist and a best-selling author, answered Sue's questions about the microbiome in your gut, health and wellbeing at this year's Wellness Show.
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